Orange Mountains District, NNJC

District Finance Committee

Fundraising, Unit Finance and more


Who Pays for Scouting? Click here to learn more about who pays for the Scouting program at the various levels. Financing Scouting means more than your registration fees!

Friends Of Scouting  - Friends Of Scouting is the Northern New Jersey Council's annual finance campaign that helps sustain existing Scouting programs and expands new undeserved communities.  FOS supports adult and youth training, operation and programs at our various camp properties, liability insurance coverage for all Scouting events, and many Council and District activities offered to Scouts.

Project Sales  -  Project Sales is designed to allow individuals or companies to donate materials, or cost-of-materials, to our council.  This means the donation of items, or funding for items, budgeted already for the current year's spending.  Items needed include; copy paper, pens, continuous feed paper, ink cartridges, lumber for tent platforms, electrical supplies, and more.  Follow the Project Sales link to see a full list of items.

Annual Popcorn Sale  -   The District Popcorn Sale takes place every fall starting in September running through October.  This sale is a great way for units to start their year with some money in the bank for patches, trips and more.  The benefit of the sale is that the units keeps 35% of the retail price, with more profits available through the incentive plan.  More information is available through the Annual Popcorn Sale link.

Special Events  -  Each year, the district holds one or two Special Events for fundraising.  These are usually "Good Scout" Award events.  "Good Scout" receipients are people from our communites that have shown themselves to be of great service to our youth or our community as a whole.  Other types of events are also included such as wine tastings, movie nights, etc...   Follow the Special Events link for more on our upcoming special events.

Unit Fundraising  -  Every unit can take part in their own fundraising.  In order to hold your own fundraiser, there are a few procedures and policies that you should follow.  Follow the Unit Fundraising link to learn more about BSA fundraising policies.

For more information on council finance and ways that you can give to Scouting, visit the Northern NJ Council Web Site