Orange Mountains District, NNJC

District Friends Of Scouting 

What is "Friends Of Scouting"?

        It's the Northern New Jersey Council's annual finance campaign that helps sustain existing Scouting programs and expands new under-served communities. FOS supports adult and youth training, operation and programs at our various camp properties, liability insurance coverage for all Scouting events, and many Council and District activities offered to Scouts.

        The Friends of Scouting Campaign is the Opportunity for Individuals throughout the Council to show their financial support of the Scouting Program of the Northern New Jersey Council. The Friends of Scouting Campaign is also an Educational Opportunity. It provides the opportunity for parents and community members to learn How Scouting Works and the Benefits of the Scouting Program for Tomorrow's Leaders.

Did you know?

How Can Your Unit Help?         The success of the Friends Of Scouting program will allow our Northern New Jersey Council to continue to provide character building, citizenship and fitness programs to the youth of Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Passaic Counties.

Key Elements for a Successful FOS Campaign in your Unit